Our team: Maria Luisa Santabrigide, HOPE user and head volunteer in the Santanyí classification team.

Motto: “Live and let live”.

How did you come to HOPE Mallorca?

At the beginning of the pandemic, my husband and I were in a difficult financial situation and a neighbour advised me to contact HOPE Mallorca. They welcomed me with open arms and I was immediately fed and helped.

At that time, there was a lack of volunteers at the Santanyí station, so, during one of my visits, I got to work without thinking about it. HOPE Mallorca supports me and by getting involved in the foundation I can give something back. I like to help and stand by those who are in a worse situation than me.

What do you do at HOPE Mallorca?

I work every Tuesday afternoon and I am very happy to be part of HOPE Mallorca. When the delivery truck arrives, we unload the fruit and vegetables. We separate what is not fit for human consumption so that a farmer from the village can come and collect it for his animals and we classify the rest in boxes. Then we clean up and leave everything clean so that the volunteers on Wednesday can distribute the boxes the next day.

After a while, Marie asked me if I wanted to take over the Tuesday sorting team. This includes ensuring that feed is sorted correctly and providing sorted leftovers to the animals. At first I was hesitant, but so far so good. I try to be a good role model, which means, I work a bit harder and I like to come a bit earlier so that everything is ready when the delivery truck arrives. Then I’m the first on the ramp so I can unload quickly.

What do you appreciate about your work?

The people working at HOPE Mallorca are very warm. They give us users and volunteers a lot of attention and warmth. I always jokingly say that my weekly work at the station is like a drug. I have been welcomed into the team with a lot of love and appreciation and I am very grateful for that.

The feeling of being able to help gives me a lot of joy. It is about the idea of contributing oneself and giving something back, even if it is little. That’s why I also proposed to my husband to join as a volunteer. He takes the used packaging and crushes it for a colleague to take it away in the van.

Once I took my grandchildren with me to help and to show them that there are people who are in a worse situation than us. At home, we make a point of valuing food. My children and grandchildren are used to it from an early age: food is very valuable and is not thrown away. The visit to HOPE Mallorca made my grandchildren even more aware of the importance of not throwing away food and helping others. My eldest granddaughter cried afterwards and said: “Grandma, do you really know how valuable this work is? No one sees it, but everyone has to eat.

Were there any experiences that particularly moved you?

My own story: at the beginning of the pandemic, we had to get by on 900 euros a month. We pay more than half of that in rent. Then my husband got sick and the car broke down. Everything had come together. At that time, when I didn’t know where to turn, HOPE Mallorca opened its doors to me.
I have been with HOPE Mallorca for more than two years now and I am still very touched by their willingness to help those who need it most.

During my time volunteering, I get to meet very different people who need help. I am especially moved when children have to live in poverty, I cannot bear the suffering of children.

What is HOPE Mallorca for you?

HOPE Mallorca is a family to me. Here I receive support, attention and appreciation for my work. I can also tell them how I feel and receive sincere sympathy.

I especially like the small, sincere gestures. For example, when Laura kisses me goodbye.

What values are lived at HOPE Mallorca?

– Tolerance. Everyone is treated equally. It doesn’t matter if you are coloured, yellow or blue.

– Patience and an open ear. I am quite a nervous person. Marie, Laura and Damià are very good at it. First they calm me down and then they listen to me.

– Total commitment. All three are very committed and are always there for you. They even interrupt their lunch to serve you.

Como usuaria y voluntaria, me siento aceptada tal y como soy.

Do you have a motto for life?

Live and let live

What do you want for HOPE Mallorca?

I would like HOPE Mallorca to be overwhelmed by donations. Because there are many people with economic difficulties: families who can’t pay for electricity or people who live on the street and don’t even have a blanket. Now in winter many people on the island cannot earn money.

If I won the lottery, I would give my money to HOPE Mallorca. Because these donations get to where they are needed. Nothing is wasted. There is a small, dedicated and very well organised team that controls all expenses and takes care of the people.
I don’t think they can do any better.

The interview was conducted by Verena Glaese.

Unser Team: Maria Luisa Santabrigide, HOPE Kundin & ehrenamtliche Leitung im Sortierteam Santanyí

Motto: „Leben und leben lassen.“

Wie kamst Du zu HOPE?

Anfang der Pandemie waren mein Mann und ich in einer schwierigen finanziellen Lage. Eine Nachbarin riet mir, mich bei HOPE Mallorca zu melden. Ich bin mit offenen Armen empfangen worden und habe sofort Lebensmittel und Hilfe erhalten.

Damals fehlten in der Station in Santanyí ehrenamtlich Mitarbeitende. So kam es, dass ich bei einem meiner Besuche einfach anfing mitzuarbeiten, ohne eine bewusste Entscheidung getroffen zu haben. HOPE Mallorca unterstützt mich und indem ich mich in der Station engagiere, kann ich etwas zurückgeben. Es gefällt mir zu helfen und für andere da zu sein, denen es noch schlechter geht als mir.

Was machst Du bei HOPE?

Ich bin jeden Dienstagnachmittag im Einsatz und sehr glücklich, ein Teil von HOPE Mallorca zu sein. Wenn der Lieferwagen ankommt, entladen wir das Obst und Gemüse. Wir trennen, was verdorben ist für die Tiere von einem Bauern aus Santanyí und sortieren den Rest in Kisten. Danach räumen wir auf und hinterlassen alles sauber, damit andere Freiwillige die Pakete am nächsten Tag verteilen können

Nach einiger Zeit hat mich Marie gefragt, ob ich dienstags die Leitung für das Sortierteam übernehmen möchte. Dazu gehört auch, auf die korrekte Mülltrennung zu achten und die aussortierten Reste für die Tiere bereitzustellen. Zuerst habe ich gezögert, aber bisher läuft alles gut. Ich versuche, ein gutes Vorbild zu sein. Das bedeutet, dass ich ein bisschen mehr arbeite und gerne schon ein etwas früher komme, damit alles vorbereitet ist, wenn der Lieferwagen da ist. Dann stehe ich als Erste an der Rampe, damit wir zügig entladen können

Was schätzt Du an Deiner Arbeit?

Die Menschen, die bei HOPE Mallorca arbeiten, sind sehr herzlich. Sie geben uns Kunden und ehrenamtlich Mitarbeitenden viel Aufmerksamkeit und Wärme. Im Scherz sage ich immer, dass mein wöchentlicher Einsatz in der Station wie eine Droge ist. Im Team bin ich mit viel Liebe und Wertschätzung aufgenommen worden und sehr dankbar dafür.

Das Gefühl, helfen zu können, macht mir viel Freude. Es geht um den Gedanken, sich selbst einzubringen und etwas zurückzugeben. Auch wenn es wenig ist. Deshalb habe ich auch meinem Mann vorgeschlagen, als Freiwilliger mitzumachen. Er kümmert sich um die gebrauchten Verpackungen und zerkleinert sie, damit ein Kollege sie im Lieferwagen wegbringen kann.

Einmal habe ich meine Enkelkinder mitgenommen, um zu helfen und damit sie sehen, dass es Menschen gibt, denen es schlechter geht als uns. Zuhause legen wir großen Wert darauf, Lebensmittel zu wertschätzen. Meine Kinder und Enkelkinder sind von klein auf daran gewöhnt: Lebensmittel sind kostbar und werden nicht weggeworfen. Der Besuch bei HOPE Mallorca hat meinen Enkeln noch mehr verdeutlicht, wie wichtig es ist, keine Lebensmittel wegzuwerfen und anderen Menschen zu helfen. Meine älteste Enkelin hat danach geweint und sagte, Oma, weißt du eigentlich, wie wertvoll diese Arbeit ist? Keiner sieht sie, aber es müssen doch alle Menschen essen.

Ein Erlebnis, dass Dich besonders berührt hat?

Meine eigene Geschichte: Zu Beginn der Pandemie mussten wir monatlich mit 900 Euro auskommen. Davon bezahlten wir über die Hälfte als Miete. Dann ist mein Mann krank geworden und das Auto ging kaputt. Es kam alles zusammen. Es ist sehr schwer, diesen Rückstand aufzuholen. Als ich damals nicht wusste, wohin ich mich wenden sollte, öffnete mir HOPE Mallorca die Türen. Inzwischen bin ich seit mehr als zwei Jahren bei HOPE Mallorca und immer noch sehr bewegt über die Hilfsbereitschaft.

Während meiner Einsatzzeiten lerne ich ganz unterschiedliche Menschen kennen, die Hilfe benötigen. Ganz besonders berührt es mich, wenn Kinder in Armut leben müssen. Das Leid der Kinder kann ich nicht ertragen.

Was ist HOPE Mallorca für Dich?

HOPE Mallorca ist für mich Familie. Hier erhalte ich Unterstützung, Zuwendung und Wertschätzung für meine Arbeit. Ich kann auch erzählen, wie es mir geht und erfahre ehrliche Anteilnahme.

Ganz besonders mag ich auch die kleinen herzlichen Gesten. Zum Beispiel, wenn mir Laura  zum Abschied ein Küsschen gibt

Welche Werte werden bei HOPE Mallorca gelebt?

  • Toleranz. Alle werden gleich behandelt. Ganz egal, ob du schwarz, gelb oder blau bist.
  • Geduld und ein offenes Ohr. Ich bin ein eher nervöser Mensch. Damit können Marie, Laura und Damian sehr gut umgehen. Sie beruhigen mich erst einmal und hören dann zu.
  • Voller Einsatz. Die drei sind sehr engagiert und immer für einen da. Sie unterbrechen sogar ihr Mittagessen, um sich um einen zu kümmern.

Als Kundin und ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiterin fühle ich mich angenommen, so wie ich bin

Hast Du ein Lebensmotto?

Leben und leben lassen

Was wünscht Du HOPE Mallorca?

Ich wünsche mir, dass HOPE Mallorca mit Spenden überhäuft wird. Denn es gibt so viele Menschen, die in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten sind – Familien, die ihren Strom nicht bezahlen können oder Menschen, die auf der Straße leben und noch nicht einmal eine Decke besitzen. Jetzt kommt der Winter und viele Menschen auf der Insel können kein Geld verdienen.

Wäre ich Lotto-Gewinnerin, würde ich mein Geld HOPE Mallorca geben. Denn diese Spenden kommen dort an, wo sie benötigt werden. Es wird nichts verschwendet. Es gibt ein kleines, engagiertes und sehr gut organisiertes Team, das alle Ausgaben kontrolliert und sich um die Menschen kümmert. Ich glaube nicht, dass sie es besser machen könnten

Das Interview führte Verena Glaese.

Our team: Joachim Lorenz, volunteer driver

Motto: “Altruism is better than egoism”.

How did you come to HOPE?

As a pensioner, I have time that I like to use meaningfully for people who need help. And the number of people living in poverty on Mallorca has unfortunately increased dramatically due to the Corona crisis. At the beginning of 2021, I researched organisations that help those in need. The basic idea of HOPE, to help people who fall into poverty through no fault of their own, appealed to me immediately.

I wrote an email and then it happened very quickly. Just a few days later, I brought a Lidl donation from Llucmajor to Santanyí in my van – Santas and all kinds of seasonal sweets.


What do you do at HOPE?

I work as a driver. On my tours, I pick up donations for our clients. Sometimes I go to the Banco de Alimentos in Palma and to various supermarkets to pick up discarded food. Sometimes I take the donations to our six island-wide distribution stations or to clients who have difficulty leaving their homes. Some days I pick up potatoes or eggs from agricultural companies. Sometimes I also drive to private donors to pick up beds, tables or other furniture. It is unbelievable how fast HOPE has grown in one year. On the first trip, I was still using my private van, but now the foundation has two vans of its own.


What do you appreciate about your work?

What gives me the most pleasure is to see how others are happy about the donations. When I feel this gratitude, I know that my commitment is worthwhile. In general, I appreciate the direct contact and exchange with our clients as well as the volunteers in the different wards.


An experience that particularly touched you?

One? I could name quite a few. But one trip with our social worker Oscar is particularly memorable. A few weeks ago, we specifically drove along bridges in Palma and Arenal under which homeless people live. As the nights are very cold in winter, we had warm clothes, shoes and blankets with us. It was very touching to see how many people have to live in makeshift board shacks because they have been evicted from their homes.


What is HOPE for you?

An ingenious organisation founded at the right moment in the right place to secure livelihoods for people in need.





Ukraine war: HOPE Mallorca seeks housing for refugees

The HOPE Mallorca Fundación is looking for people to offer housing for refugees from Ukraine. With its logistical experience, the humanitarian aid organisation is committed to being a contact point for people who are forced to flee Ukraine.

“War is driving more and more people from their homes. We all have a responsibility,” explains Heimke Mansfeld, President of the Foundation. In addition to donations of money and goods, the Ukrainians on Mallorca are currently in need of housing.

As a point of contact, the HOPE Mallorca Fundación will register the refugees. This facilitates access to basic support and helps keep families together or reunite separated children with their families. The first owners to make their vacant flats available to refugees have already come forward. The social need on the Balearic island is still alarming. The foundation is already providing food for more than 4,000 needy people. Ten families who have lost their homes are being supported through sponsorships.


If you would like to provide accommodation or host refugees, please fill in the form below and send it directly to: info@hope-mallorca.org or +34 629204106.

Only with the solidarity and help of as many people as possible can the support of the increasing number of refugees from Ukraine be managed. The HOPE Mallorca Fundación would like to thank all those who helped.

The HOPE MALLORCA Fundación was founded at the beginning of the pandemic in May 2020 to support the increasing number of people in need. Today, HOPE Mallorca has grown into a strong and sustainable aid organisation helping many thousands of people to survive the corona crisis.

Volunteers are involved in six distribution stations on the island, handing out food and donations in kind. Through HOPE partnerships, families are saved from homelessness and over-indebtedness. With the distribution of medical equipment and aids, disabled and sick people receive support in times of crisis. Recently, a job exchange has been placing unemployed people in Germany.

We continue to give hope

To ensure that the aid so urgently needed for Mallorca can continue without any interruption in personnel, the new composition of the board of the Hope Mallorca Foundation has already been officially confirmed today (17 January 2022). Heimke Mansfeld remains chairwoman of the board and her husband Juan Santa Cruz Ferrer and the former banker Bartolomé Canals Adrover have replaced Jasmin Nordiek and Sonja Willner on the board.

Both new board members have already been active for the foundation, not only in a motivating and advisory capacity. Both are Mallorcans, which will be more important than ever to ensure that HOPE remains a strong voice for the people of Mallorca in need of help. We are very happy that we were able to convince them at short notice to contribute their commitment and experience directly.

Photo: Flowers with very best wishes for the personal future to Jasmin Nordiek and Sonja Willner.
v.r.n.l. Juan Santa Cruz Ferrer – Heimke Mansfeld – Bartolomé Canals Adrover –  Sonja Willner